Md. Abdul Alim | Watanabe Lab. @ IST, Osaka University |
Zhou Enping, Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Fujihashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Masahiro Nishi, Takashi Watanabe
"A Reliable Multicast Protocol for Streaming Services in Non-Terrestrial Networks"
IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.176210–176231, 2024. internal
Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe
"Asym-FDMAC: In-band Full-Duplex Medium Access Control Protocol for Asymmetric Traffic in Wireless LAN"
Wireless Networks, Vol.26, No.2, pp.807–822, 2020. pdf url
Md. Abdul Alim, Makoto Kobayashi, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe
"In-band Full-duplex Medium Access Control Design for Heterogeneous Wireless LAN"
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol.2017, No.83, pp.1–22, 2017. pdf url
Frodouard Minani, Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Fujihashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe
"QoSem-based Resource Allocation for Semantic Communication in NTN Downlinks"
IEEE Global Communications Conference 2024, pp.1–6, 2024. internal
Zhou Enping, Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Fujihashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Masahiro Nishi, Takashi Watanabe
"A Fundamental Discussion on Efficient Reliable Multicast Protocol in Hierarchical Non-Terrestrial Networks"
2023 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC2023), No.P2-19, pp.1–1, 2023. internal url
Frodouard Minani, Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Fujihashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Masahiro Nishi, and Takashi Watanabe
"A Fundamental Discussion on Reward-Based Reinforcement Learning for Uplink Resource Allocation in NTN"
2023 Fourteenth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU), pp.1–6, 2023. internal url
Zhou Enping, Makoto Kobayashi, Takuya Fujihashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Masahiro Nishi, Takashi Watanabe
"Reliable Multicast Streaming for Hierarchical Non-Terrestrial Network"
9th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, pp.1–6, 2022. internal
Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe
"Backscatter MAC Protocol for Future Internet of Things Networks"
IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (IEEE WiMob'17), pp.1–7, 2017. pdf
Makoto Kobayashi, Md. Abdul Alim, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Takashi Watanabe
"A Basic Analysis of Medium Access Control for Full-duplex WLAN"
The Ninth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU'16), pp.1–6, 2016. internal url
Md. Abdul Alim, Takashi Watanabe
"Full Duplex Medium Access Control Protocol for Asymmetric Traffic"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC'16-Fall), pp.1–6, 2016. internal
Md. Abdul Alim, Makoto Kobayashi, Takashi Watanabe
"Full Duplex Medium Access Control Design for Heterogeneous WLAN"
European Wireless 2016 (EW'16), pp.203–209, 2016. internal url
石岡 卓将, 周 恩平, 小林 真, 藤橋 卓也, Md. Abdul Alim, 猿渡 俊介, 西 正博, 渡辺 尚
第85回情報処理学会全国大会, No.6Y-07, pp.1–2, 2023. internal
周 恩平, 小林 真, 藤橋 卓也, Md. Abdul Alim, 猿渡 俊介, 西 正博, 渡辺 尚
2022年電子情報通信学会総合大会, No.B-6-73, pp.73–73, 2022. internal
Md. Abdul Alim, Takashi Watanabe
"A Basic Approach for Full Duplex MAC Design for Asymmetric Uplink and Downlink Traffic"
情報処理学会全国大会, No.6C-5, pp.1–2, 2016. internal